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Traverski Ski, Sport
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  • MS150 Training-Rochester Tour of Pubs

MS150 Training-Rochester Tour of Pubs

  • 20 May 2023
  • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Rochester-Cascade Lake & Creek Trail

Hi Traverskis, Tim and I are going to do the MS150 in June and to prepare we are going to do a set of Traverski bike rides, and anyone can join us even if they are not doing to MS150.

For the 7th ride we are going up to do a tour of Rochester Pubs.  We will start at Cascade Lake Park at 10am, and do the bike ride round Rochester going west on the trail, then south over the hill by the History Center, and down to where the trail follows the river, and then head back into down town area. Then north and around Silver Lake, and back along the Cascade creek trail. When we pass Cooke Park we will head over to Forager for our first stop.

So if the first part of the bike ride seems too much, you can meet us at Forager Brewery & Cafe.

Then we will head west again along Cascade Creek trail to the lake, then north to Little Thistle, and then up to LTS.

And the last Ride: Sat June 3 - Welcome Summer @ Waucoma, IA.

Tim Troxel
Bill Hickey

Traverski Ski, Sport & Social Club 
P.O. Box 7094
Rochester, MN 55903

Traverski Club, Incorporated, of Rochester, Minnesota is incorporated in the state of Minnesota as a non-profit corporation.  Charter date is October 13, 1972.

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