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  • MS150 Training-Cannon Valley Trail:Welch-Cannon Falls&Cookout

MS150 Training-Cannon Valley Trail:Welch-Cannon Falls&Cookout

  • 13 May 2023
  • 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Cannon Valley Trail-Welch

Hi Traverskis, Tim and I are going to do the MS150 in June and to prepare we are going to do a set of Traverski bike rides and anyone can join us even if they are not doing to MS150.

For the 5th ride we are going up to the Cannon Valley Trail, and starting in Welch go to Cannon Falls, and back.

Afterwards we are going to do a cookout at Welch

We will also be inviting the Ski clubs from the cities to joins us.

We will meet in Welch at the Canon Valley Trail-Welch Access Station, which is off Mt Hill Rd, as there is a fee for trail use. And this is also where we will meet for the cookout afterwards.

NOTE: If it is raining, or looks like it will rain, or snow, we will cancel.

The other Rides are:

Sat May 20 - Rochester Brewery Ride-Rochester Round About.
Sat June 3 - Welcome Summer @ Waucoma, IA.

Tim Troxel
Bill Hickey

Traverski Ski, Sport & Social Club 
P.O. Box 7094
Rochester, MN 55903

Traverski Club, Incorporated, of Rochester, Minnesota is incorporated in the state of Minnesota as a non-profit corporation.  Charter date is October 13, 1972.

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