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  • Movie Night! - Friday, July 8th 2022 - Something Different: Thor @ IMAX @ 6PM

Movie Night! - Friday, July 8th 2022 - Something Different: Thor @ IMAX @ 6PM

  • 08 Jul 2022
  • 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM
  • IMAX and dine afterwards ??
Movie Night! - Friday, July 8th 2022 - Something Different: Thor @ IMAX  @ 6PM

We are going to do something different, what if we go to Thor Love & Thunder on opening night at IMAX ?

The IMAX is down south at the Marcus Theater, and we are going to the Thor showing playing at 6.

The plan is for us to go to the movie first, at the 6 PM showing, and then eat afterwards.

And since we will be getting out after 8 PM, I think most restaurants are less busy at that time, so we should be able to seat us, without a reservation. And we can pick a place after the movie.

If you are interested you will need to get your ticket(s) beforehand from the Marcus website.

And if you want to sit near other Traverskis, contact me and I will see who is where.  Some of us already have seats, in row K & J! Or join Tim up closer in row F, somewhere near the middle. And I just checked(7/7/22) this morning, there are still plenty of seats for the 6pm showing.

Bill Hickey

Traverski Ski, Sport & Social Club 
P.O. Box 7094
Rochester, MN 55903

Traverski Club, Incorporated, of Rochester, Minnesota is incorporated in the state of Minnesota as a non-profit corporation.  Charter date is October 13, 1972.

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