Traverski Ski, Sport & Social Club
Bike Trail Ride & Happy Hour @ Crooked Pint Ale House, 2723 Commerce Drive NW, Rochester, MN 55901, Happy Hour tables are reserved on May 21st at Crooked Pint, 2723 Commerce Dr NW, Rochester, MN 55901. We will meet at the Crooked Pint parking lot at 4:30pm and bike around Cascade Lake. Then meet back at Crooked Pint by 5:30pm for happy hour. If it is raining or you don’t want to ride – ask for the tables reserved for Traverski. Sponsor?
Commerce Drive NW Rochester, MN 559012723 Commerce Drive NW Rochester, MN 55901
Traverski Ski, Sport & Social Club P.O. Box 7094Rochester, MN 55903
Traverski Club, Incorporated, of Rochester, Minnesota is incorporated in the state of Minnesota as a non-profit corporation. Charter date is October 13, 1972.