Traverski Ski, Sport & Social Club
Color Me Mine Rochester.....
Located in the strip mall next to Hyvee SW: Color Me Mine Rochester 416 Crossroads Dr. SW Rochester, MN 55902 507-258-5436 Studio Fees are: $10.00 Adults - 16 and up $6.00 for Tweens - Ages 10-15 $5.00 for Kids - Age 1-9 NO RESERVATIONS REQUIRED....just come on in!
"Fill the Shelves" day- 1/2 price studio fee with food shelf donation!
For more info, please go to
Traverski Ski, Sport & Social Club P.O. Box 7094Rochester, MN 55903
Traverski Club, Incorporated, of Rochester, Minnesota is incorporated in the state of Minnesota as a non-profit corporation. Charter date is October 13, 1972.